MinonkTalkNews and History for Minonk, IL

Jokes from our Readers

If you have an appropriate joke, send or forward it to

3/1/2016: One liners for election year
2/11/2008: Redneck Joke
8/30/2006: Puns just for laughs
7/14/2006: And then, God created Texas!
7/1/2006: Fourth of July fun
6/2/2006: The son test
5/13/2006: A Terrible Thing to Waste
4/27/2006: Retired mind
4/11/2006: Immigration
3/29/2006: Pirate joke
3/27/2006: Wrong E-Mail
1/16/2006: An Explanation of Life
12/10/2005: Oh Little Bank Americard
11/24/2005: Church collection in Las Vegas
11/12/2005: 0 - 200 in 2 seconds
10/28/2005: Are you normal?
9/30/2005: Who brews?
9/17/2005: Toast this!
9/4/2005: Sports fan
7/31/2005: Dangling Conversation
7/26/2005: Client Confusion
7/17/2005: Church funnies
6/30/2005: Stupid Funny Quotes
6/24/2005: Blonde Joke # 78392
6/19/2005: From the US District Court-Texas
6/2/2005: Coming home for Thanksgiving
4/27/2005: Fly in the soup
3/17/2005: Irish Jokes
3/3/2005: Today's groaner
2/19/2005: Bubba forever!
2/5/2005: Cold Weather
12/17/2004: Redneck Nativity Scene - Gary Cinnamon
12/10/2004: Hospital charts - John Baker
12/10/2004: Test for Heaven - Herc Paloumpis
11/22/2004: Another golf story...

8/25/2006: HMO in Heaven
5/13/2011: Who's Sleeping in the Barn?
1/19/2008: Dressing for the pirates
7/6/2006: So you like to garden
6/16/2006: In Honor of Dear Old Dad
5/26/2006: 11 People on a Rope
5/7/2006: HMO
4/15/2006: Shoot The Bull
4/6/2006: Golf gun
3/29/2006: Dumbest kid in the world
1/20/2006: Fine Wine
1/3/2006: Ole and Sven
11/24/2005: Last words
11/24/2005: Got any raisins?
10/30/2005: New boy friend
10/6/2005: Mets Fan
9/25/2005: Another Irish joke
9/13/2005: Healthy Insanity!
8/24/2005: A boy in need
7/31/2005: Owning A New Pet Fish
7/15/2005: Cop vs. Lawyer
6/25/2005: A hairdo
6/21/2005: You Might Be A Redneck If:
6/17/2005: A visit to St. Peter
5/31/2005: FOUR WOMEN
3/4/2005: Children's sayings
2/19/2005: One for the guys
2/19/2005: International Pun Contest
2/2/2005: THE RABBIT - a blonde joke
10/06/2004: Great to get old
10/06/2004: Questions
10/06/2004: Pillsbury Doughboy funeral