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A look at Minonk's past |
CLUB, LODGE AND SOCIETYThat fraternal feeling of good fellowship so much to be desired, which in all lands and in all conditions of life draws men together is very strong in Minonk. There are but few cities of its size that have so great a number of secret organizations. It is with pleasure that the NEWS presents a brief sketch of each order, regretting the lack of space, which makes it impossible to give them the attention they deserve.ROB MORRIS, A. F. AND A. M.Rob Morris Lodge, A. F. and A. M., was organized October 7, 1857, with J. B. Garrison, Worshipful Master, and Samuel C. Carithers and Richard Chenwith as Wardens. It was named after Robert Morris of Le Grange, Kentucky. The present officers are: Jacob McChesney, W. M.; O. D. Head, S. W.; Grant Christians, J. W.; D. Filger, Treasurer; E. Harris, Secretary, F. J. Simater, S. D.; John Goodwin, J. D.; J. C. Wickler, S. Steward; S. L. Zinser, J. S.; R. Spires, Tyler.I. O. O. F.Minonk Lodge No. 377 organized October 28, 1868. S. W. Allen, John Morris, John Stoner, John Gmelich, and S. W. Barger, officers and charter members. The lodge officers now are: J. S. Gerdes, N. G.; B. Newsome, V. G.; H. Henkell, B. Sec.; Geo. W. Morris, Per. Sec.; J. Stoneman, Treas.; Trustees: Wm. Meyer, J. Kerrick, J. Andrews, L. G. Harper, Geo. Defrees. Membership 67.MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICAMinonk Camp No. 952, M. W. A., was organized in May 1889, with fifteen charger members. The first meeting was held on the eve of May 2, 1889, when the following officers were elected.Thos Kennedy, V. C.; Rufus H. Parks, W. A.; H. A. Miller, E. B.; C. A. Menefee, Clerk; George H. Ogle, Escort; R. E. O'Connor, W.; Grant Williams, Sentry; P. M. Evans, Local Physician; Rev. J. C. Shipp, Wm Minshall and Jas. A. Pickard, Managers. The other charter members were W. O. Pope, Henry J. Cook, Walter S. Ward and Chas. Kirk. The first few years after organizing, the camp was at a standstill and on January 1, 1895, had a membership of only twenty-one. At that time the members made up their mind to rent a new hall, thinking it would have a tendency to get new members. So they rented the Odd Fellows' hall and from the day they went into the new hall they have been steadily increasing their membership until they have now 76 members in good standing, which is the largest organization in the city. The present officers of the camp are: Frank H. Hewitt, V. C.; N. L. Davison, Jr., W. A.; Chas. E. Morgan, Clerk; Homer A. Miller, Banker, Wm. H. Golden, Escort; W. E. Dutoit, Watchman; Harry S. Fuller, Sentry; Dr. Perry M. Evans, Local Physician; D. A. McDaniel, M. Gulshen, Jacob S. Gerdes, Managers. Meetings are held second and fourth Wednesday evenings of each month. KNIGHTS OF THE MACCABEESMinonk Tent, No. 177 was organized May 6, 1894, with 25 charter members. This popular order is only in its fifth year and has over 240,000 knights and lady Maccabees in America.In connection with its life benefit, it has sick, funeral, accident, disability and old age benefits. The following are the present officers: Josiah Kerrick, Past Com.; F. W. Horneman, Com.; M. H. Pfaffle, Lieut. Com.; J. Hertschuh, Record Keeper, H. A. Miller, Finance Keeper; E. Remmers, Chaplain; F. W. Wilcox, Physician; J. von Nordheim, Sergeant; C. E. Morgan, Master-at-Arms; C. N. Porch, Sentinel; H. Meyers, Picket. Meets at Odd Fellows' hall. L. G. KEEDY POST, NO. 160Under the above heading we give the following bit of history concerning the patriotism of Minonk in 1861-65 from the pen of our townsman, T. J. Taylor.The summer and fall of '60 was campaign year, when Douglas and Johnson were candidates on the democrat ticket and Lincoln and Hamlin on the republican ticket. The republican candidates being elected caused a good deal of excitement around this country. Early in the spring of '60 one of the first military companies was organized, as there was strong talk of war between the north and the south, and the military company was known as the "Minonk Minute Men," and when war was declared and the President had called for 75,000 three months' men, there was quite a number of young men of Minonk and vicinity enlisted. The organization of the Minonk Minute Company was still kept up, and they elected officers as follows: Captain, S. S. Jackman; First Lieutenant, Jas Tisdale; Second Lieutenant, Chester A. Andrews. The company met once a week for drill, and at the call for 300,000 in August 1861, the company enlisted for the war, and went to the front. What few was left of them served their time and were mustered out in October 1864, at Springfield, with Chester A. Andrews as captain. Company H. of the 77th, enlisted in 1862, and was mustered out in 1865. These two companies went from Minonk, besides many others that enlisted in different regiments in the state, of which one-half probably returned. In June 1868, the first Grand Army Post was organized in Minonk, known as McPherson Post No. 320, with the following charter members: W. D. Wardlow, Dr. J. Stoner, N. L. Ross, D. Frisbie, C. E. Dunham, S. J. Johnson, H. Henkell, J. H. Hill, J. K. Huntoon, A. B. Pouge, S. T. Robinson, W. Weir, C. H. Robinson, H. Livingston, T. J. Taylor, W. L. Lovell, J. S. Raney, H. Smyth, E. B. Washburn, J. H. Mitchell, J. A. Simpson, D. Filger, S. W. Allen, H. K. Ferrin. This Post disbanded some time in 1874 or 1875 (the writer is not certain which date). The second G. A. R. Post, known as L. G. Keedy Post No. 160, was organized in November 1882, with the following charter members: C. P. Waterman, T. J. Taylor, J. C. Wickler, L. C. Pray, C. E. Webber, U. Juelg, A. Brock, H. Henkell, J. W. January, G. S. Foote, C. E. Dunham. Following is the list of officers elected for the year 1896: Commander-John Farrell.
W. R. C.The ladies of Minonk met Wednesday, April 2, 1890, at 1 p.m. at G. A. R. hall for the purpose of organizing a Woman's Relief Corps. Mrs. Mary Davison of Bloomington was presented and organized the Corps and initiated the following persons: Mrs. Lizzie M. Cushing, Mrs. Emma Cushing, Mrs. Maggie L. Taylor, Mrs. Mary Dunham, Mrs. Ella M. Pray, Mrs. Sarah J. Zinser, Mrs. Sadie E. Waterman, Mrs. Ellen Rowell, Mrs. Elizabeth January, Misses Mayme Wickler, Mabel Loucks, Luella B. Taylor, Phenie Martin.The officers elected at that time were: President, Mrs. Waterman; S. V. P., Mrs. Zinser; J. V. P., Mrs. L. Cushing; Treasurer, Mrs. Pray; Chaplain, Mrs. Dunham; Conductor, Miss Loucks; Guard, Miss Taylor; Assistant Guard, Miss Martin; Secretary, Miss Wickler. The time of meeting was arranged for every second and fourth Fridays in the month. The time of meetings has been changed to the second and fourth Saturdays. The present officers are: President, Mrs. E. Cushing; S. V. P., Miss Wickler; J. V. P., Mrs. Taylor; Chaplain, Mrs. Dunham; Treasurer, Mrs. L. Cushing; Conductor, Mrs. Rowell; Guard, Mrs. Vance. The Relief Corps is an organization banded together for the purpose of helping the needy soldiers and sailors of our late war, and not only do they help the soldier and sailor, but all needy deserving people; it is a noble band of patriotic woman, and has done more good the world over, than any other organization of any kind. HOME FORUM NO. 272The Home Forum No. 272, was organized in Minonk, October 1, 1895, and the first meeting held October 5, with a membership of 23. The officers are:President-H. A. Miller.
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