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Fieldcrest PTOs sponsoring Market Day Fundraiser

Tuesday, August 26, 2003 Posted 10:00 p.m. Reported by Christy Kline
Fieldcrest South PTO, Fieldcrest East PTCO, and Fieldcrest PTO are sponsoring a DISTRICT WIDE Market Day Fundraiser. The community may order products from any of the schools or online at This is a wonderful opportunity for the entire community to support the entire school district! Fifty Percent of the profits from this will go directly to the Fieldcrest Districtwide Technology Fund and the remaining fifty percent will be split equally among the Fieldcrest South, East and West PTO/PTCO's.

The pick up location is the Rutland American Legion from 6:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. on the following dates: Tuesday, Sept. 30, Tuesday, Oct. 28, Tuesday, Nov. 25, Tuesday, Jan. 6, Tuesday, Feb. 3, Tuesday, March 2, Tuesday, March 30, Tuesday, May 4 and Tuesday, June 1st. The first order forms will be available this week at each school and will need to be back at any of the school offices on or before September 19.

If you have questions please feel free to call any of the schools! Market Day could also use volunteers for unloading and sorting the orders on those days...if you have an extra hour or two please call and volunteer to help our children!

Fieldcrest South Office number is 309-432-2838
Fieldcrest East Office number is 815-853-4331
Fieldcrest West Office number is 815-452-2613