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Fieldcrest Board Agenda May 24

Wednesday, May 24, 2023 Posted by Sherry Tjaden

FieldcrestCommunity Unit School District #6

Board ofEducation Monthly Meeting Agenda

Wednesday May 24, 2023

Closed Session 6:00 PM

Regular Meeting following ClosedSession or 6:30PM

LOCATION:Fieldcrest Middle School

  1. Call to Order - Roll Call

Public statement: The Fieldcrest Community Unit SchoolDistrict Board of Education is a deliberative and policy-making body, andfollows a planned agenda at each meeting. The Board does not debate the subjectof public comments during the meeting nor take immediate action on suchcomments, but rather may take any comments under review in making decisions andestablishing policies. 

  1. Closed Session 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) at 6:00PM
  1. Regular Session following closed session
    1. Welcome
    2. Vision Statement - Tomorrow's Leaders Learning Today
    3. Pledge of Allegiance


  1. Public Communications to the Board
    1. Public Communications to the Board
      1. Persons addressing the Board should be guided and constrained by Board Policy 2:230. Copies are available online: https://www.boardpolicyonline.com/?b=fieldcrest_6 
      2. High School Student Teacher Video 
  1. Items for Approval


    1. Prior Meeting Minutes
      1. Regular Minutes
      2. Closed Session minutes
    2. District Financial Report
      1. Revenue
      2. Expenditure
      3. Balance Sheet
    3. Treasurer's Report & Bills Payable
    4. Imprest 

OtherAction Items

    1. Personnel

                        Staff to Hire

      1. Eric Hall - MS Principal
      2. Sarah Breyne - MS Band and Choir
      3. David Vasquez - HS PE/Health
      4. Abbi Tower-Simpkins - HS Administrative Assistant
      5. Alexis Saepharn - Social Worker


                                     i.       RaeAnneSwitzer - MS Special Education

                                    ii.       LaurelMatter - HS TA

    1. Press Policy 111 Second Reading
    2. Contractual Staff Raises
    3. Amended Budget Hearing Resolution - June 28, 2023 
  1. Administrative Report
    1. Principal's Reports-Slide presentation
    2. Superintendent's Report Mr. Miller
  1. Committees and Board Comments
  1. Student Representative Comments 
  1. Other
    1. Job Descriptions
      1. Dean of Students
      2. Assistant AD
      3. Principal
      4. Alternative and After School Director
    2. Discussion Items
      1. Tuition Waiver
      2. Student Board Member
  2. Future Meetings
    1. We will have training with Reatha Owen, IASB, on June 28th, during our meeting.
  1. Closed Session 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) (If Applicable)

  1. Adjournment


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Fieldcrest Baord Agenda May 24