The deadline for luminary orders is November 21. The luminary event is scheduled for December 20, with a rain
date of December 21. Everyone is welcome to also participate in lighting their luminaries for the Parade of Lights on December 6.
All of the order forms have been distributed. If you cannot find yours, you can still be part of this wonderful display.
Order forms are available at Cunningham Candies and City Hall.
To place an order you can drop off a completed order form to Cathy McKay or leave a written note or a phone message
that you want luminaries. Let us know the number of luminaries you want, your name, address, and phone number.
The cost is: 10 luminaries - $7, 20 luminaries - $14, 30 luminaries - $21. Make
checks payable to: Minonk Luminaria Display. The price of the luminaries covers the complete kit, including the
candles, paper bags, limestone, and instructions. Ideally, luminaries should be placed 10 feet apart. The candles,
bags, and limestone should be picked up November 29 from 8:00 a.m. till 1:00 p.m. at the brick building on the corner
of Fourth and Chestnut Street, the south door (the old Goodwin Building.)
If you cannot pick up your order, please make arrangements for someone else to do so during the designated time. We
cannot make any deliveries. Thanks so much.
The Luminaria Committee