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Fieldcrest Pursues Successful Referendum

Tuesday, October 12, 2004 Posted 11:30 a.m. Prepared by Fieldcrest Administration
It is no secret that the Fieldcrest School District is experiencing tough financial times. Since the fall of 2001 the District's finances have been under stress from declining revenues and increasing expenses not under the control of the Board of Education.

The District has not had a tax increase in the Education Fund since 1992 when the new District (Fieldcrest) was formed. Clone Watches This is the second time in less than two years the District has gone to voters. And while the District is 0-2 on election night, some dynamics have changed to make November 2 a difficult effort.

First, despite $1,177,000 in cuts to programs and personnel in the last two years, which reduced the teaching staff by 16%, revenue is barely keeping up with expenses in the Education Fund. This is due in part to depressed farmland values, high insurance costs and ever increasing prices for supplies and materials. The Building Fund too is under pressure due to high utility costs and the usual ongoing repairs to aging facilities. However, a successful Education Fund referendum will allow the Board to allocate a portion of General State Aid each year to the Building Fund to keep it in the black. Also, high extracurricular and activity fees would be scaled back to more affordable levels, elementary Art and Physical Education would also be reinstated. Last, a successful referendum would allow all District buildings to remain open without fear of closings.

Unlike last April's failed referendum when the Board of Education asked the voters for $.90 for the Education Fund, the Board is not threatening massive cuts. If the $.55 referendum fails, both major funds would be in trouble causing the District to maintain little or no increases for salaries, high extracurricular and activity fees and fewer opportunities for children. Elementary Art and Physical Education would not be reinstated and Elementary South would have to share a building principal with Wenona and Toluca grade sites.

Open forums are scheduled for the following dates:

Tuesday, October 12th at 7:30 p.m. at the high school;
Tuesday, October 19th at 7:30 p.m. at Fieldcrest East;
Thursday, October 28th at 7:30 p.m. at Fieldcrest West.
Please consider giving your time, talents and financial support to insure a successful referendum and say Kids First! say "YES" to Fieldcrest's Future.

Donations for this effort can be made to the following:

Fieldcrest Referendum Committee
Attn: Mr. Robert Hakes
Alpha Community Bank
Minonk, IL 61760