Benefits are to be held for Jessica Shinkey, daughter of John and Kathy Shinkey of Flanagan.Best Replica Watches
Grandparents are Ken and Karen Baker of Minonk, and John and Sandy Shinkey of Long Point. Great Grandmother is Rachel Thorpe.
Jessica is 15 months old and has been diagnosed with neuroblastoma cancer. She has undergone 4 chemotherapy treatments so far. She will go through at least 6 chemo treatments and will be transferred to St. Judes Childrens Hospital in Memphis for a stem cell transplant where she will be for 3 to 4 months.
There is a Pancake & Sausage Breakfast Benefit scheduled for September 21, 2003 at the Flanagan High School Cafeteria from 6am to 1pm. Adults $5.00, Children under 12 $3.00, and under 2 free. There will be a bake sale and 50/50 drawing.
The other benefit is October 3, 2003 at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Streator from 6pm to ?. There
is a $5.00 donation at the door. Tickets can bought in advance or at the door. There will be auctions,
50/50 drawing, and drawdown. Tickets for the drawdown are $10 each, grand prize is $2,000. You do not
need to be present to win. There will also be food and music.
Any donations are welcome.Rolex Replica Watches
For tickets or other information, please contact (815) 796-4294 or (815) 796-2817.