Hurricane Charlie hits former resident's home
Wednesday, September 1, 2004 Posted 9:30 p.m.
Hurricane Charley damaged the house of former Minonk resident Tim Havener of Pine Island Florida.
They lost the roof and had a lot
of water damage and it took Tim 2 weeks to saw the trees up and clean the yard. But it was
still standing, better than a lot of people here. The eye of the hurricane went right over
their house and traveled out into Charlotte Harbour and churned for about 15 minutes
and then went into Punta Gorda. Tim said that it was a category 5 at that point but
nobody is claiming that. He said they are waiting for hurricane Frances which is a category 4
and headed their way.
Tim said if that thing hits them he is moving back to Minonk.
For more pictures of the storm, click here.