Troop 878 is getting ready for an exciting fall. The troop has a new scout, Tyler Marshall. He has picked a great time to join. This falls schedule is filled to the rim with activity.
On August 22, 23, and 24, the troop will have a campout at Rock Cut State Park, Rockford, Il. The troop will leave late Friday afternoon, set up camp and get ready for a busy day at Magic Waters water park all day Saturday. After breakfast, the scouts will return home by noon, Sunday.
September 5, 6, and 7, the troop will attend the Illini Jamboree, sponsored by Prairielands Council, Champaign. The troop will be camping at the former Chanute AFB, Rantoul, Illinois. We will load buses to attend the football game Saturday that will feature the University of Illinois vs. Illinois State University. Go Illini -er Redbirds -er whatever. After breakfast Sunday, the scouts will return home by noon.
In October, the troop will be hosting the local Crossroads District Camp-o-ree at Comlara Park in Hudson. Also if you have a flag that needs to be retired the troop is planning a flag retirement in October, please contact Jan (Terry) Hovey for flag drop off.
November will be camping at Starved Park State Park on the 7, 8, and 9th. A five mile hike will be planned.
December looks as if we may have a short snow skiing trip, plans are in the works.
January, the troop will have their annual ski trip to Wisconsin over Martin Luther King weekend. Talk about a busy fall.
The troop is beginning to plan fund raisers to help sent four scouts to the National Boy Scout Jamboree in 2005. You may ask, What is a Jamboree? Well, the 2005 National Scout Jamboree will attract thousands of Scouts and leaders, and while it won't be the biggest city in Virginia, it will be the fastest growing on the day of arrival-July 25, 2005! Imagine 17,000 tents and 3,500 patrol kitchens popping up in a matter of hours. Amid the thousands of colorful tents that will house participants and provide program and support services, there is an infrastructure that provides a safe and secure environment at Fort A. P. Hill. Everything from bus and telephone systems to a hospital and first-aid stations, police and fire departments, post offices, food warehouses, a daily newspaper, and retail stores (trading posts) provide all the support and program services needed for an outstanding event. The jamboree will run from July 25th to August 3rd, 2005. Our local council, WD Boyce Council will be sending 120 scouts and leaders to this national event. The cost will be over $1,100 per scout and leader. The troop will be planning a number of fund raiser to help the scouts pay they own way. So if you see a bake sale, Chilli supper, pork chop fry, popcorn sale please support your scouts.
The troop would like to thank the people of Minonk for the support for their bi-monthly paper drive. We collected 11,470 pounds of paper in August, thank you. October 4th and December 6th will be the last paper drives this year. Remember, bag your papers and have them out by the curb by 9:00 am, thanks again.
If you know a young man who likes camping and the outdoors have him contact Ron Redenious 423-2320, Don Gensler 399-7651, or Mike Krug 815/527/5522 because scouting rounds a boy out.