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Another MDR alumni reunion planned for Phoenix

Friday July 30, 2004 Posted 9:30 a.m.
Martha Eikenmeyer Owens reports that plans for another Minonk alumni reunion in Phoenix is being planned. Below is Martha's letter to us.

"That's right... we are gearing up for another Minonk gathering in Phoenix. The 30 of us who attended last year had so much fun that most of us are returning this year. We hope others will be able to join us.

The dates are Feb. 10, 11, and 12, 2005.

We will again use the Fairfield Inn as our headquarters. They offer a favorable in-season rate of $89 a night. Further, we can individually get this rate for up to three days before and three days after our official gathering. This motel has a large outdoor pool surrounded by a landscaped area, offers a complimentary breakfast, and guest laundry facilities.

To book your room, contact

Fairfield Inn
5101 N. Scottsdale Road
Scottsdale, AZ 85250
tel: 480-945-4392
FAX 480-947-3044

When you make reservations, be sure to mention you are part of the Minonk group.

This year we will have several arranged tours during the day. One is expected to be into the mountains where we can opt to take tour by jeep or horseback. If jeeps and horses aren't your thing, there are plenty of sights we can reach by car. Other tour possibilities include several wild animal parks and historic sights. Of course, there will time to explore Old Town. Each night we will eat at a different casual restaurant. Mostly, we will just have a good time reconnecting with each other. Last year we also scheduled two lunches.

Please consider attending...and please notify me when you make motel reservations. Let me know also which nights you want to eat with the group."

Martha Eikenmeyer Owens - tel 760-340-1351
44-816 Oro Grande Circle - FAX 760-779-8748
Indian Wells, CA 92210 - email: