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Rutherford supports retired teachers, school construction

Thursday July 1, 2004 Posted 2:00 p.m.
Springfield - State Senator Dan Rutherford (R-Pontiac) says legislation approved by the Senate June 30 will benefit teachers and schools throughout Illinois. Senate Bill 1553, which extends benefits for retired teachers, streamlines the teacher certification process, and extends the current school construction program, currently awaits the Governor-s signature.

Senate Bill 1553 extends benefits for 40,000 teachers and their families who would have otherwise lost those benefits without the legislation. Rutherford supported the measure, but will continue to work for restoration of reduced benefits as budget negotiations continue.

-First and foremost, we needed to make sure retired teachers would have health insurance and other benefits on July 1,- he said. -Next, we will work to restore full benefits as budget negotiations continue.-

Senate Bill 1553 also cuts through the red tape teachers encounter during the recertification process by giving them more control over their records and ensures the current school construction program remains in place - a program that funds projects based upon a priority of need.

Once signed into law, Senate Bill 1553 will take effect immediately