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Rutherford concerned about the Governor-s new hires

Sunday, May 30, 2004 Posted 1:00 p.m. From Senator Dan Rutherford
Springfield - State Senator Dan Rutherford (R-Pontiac) is concerned about the 1,900 new hires the Governor has made while at the same time threatening 5,000 layoffs to balance the budget.

-This is a -do as I say not as I do- approach by this Governor,- said Rutherford. -The Governor has hired 29 new staffers in his own office, including a new speechwriter. With all due respect to the Governor-s continuing desire to promote his own image, how does he justify a new $60,000-a-year speechwriter in these economic times?

-Threatening layoffs and facility closures to balance the budget while at the same time hiring speechwriters and personal staff is really ill-timed,- Rutherford said.

The Governor called for a hiring freeze on all but critical positions when he first took office. -While 53 percent of his new hires have been prison guards, state troopers, welfare caseworkers and other direct service positions which I support, many other new Blagojevich-connected hires were placed in jobs that most would find expendable in a budget crunch,- said Rutherford.

The other 47 percent have salaries ranging from $60,000 to $90,000.