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Cub Scouts planning Pinewood Derby

Thursday May 6, 2004 Posted 10:00 p.m. Reported by Christina Jenkins
Cub Scout Pack 78 is planning to hold a Pinewood Derby at the Minonk Sesquicentennial Celebration on Saturday, June 12, 2004.

The event will be held at 11:00 a.m. at the Millennium Park Pavilion, with proceeds directly benefiting Cub Scout Pack 78.

This Pinewood Derby will be open class. There is no weight limit, and the only restriction on the Pinewood Car is that the distance between the wheels must be 1 -" apart, and -" clearance from bottom of wheels to bottom of car (so that the car will fit on the track).

Anyone may enter, as you do not need be a Cub Scout to enter the race.

There will be trophies awarded to the top three fastest finishers, best car design, and most unique car design.

Pre-registration for this event is required. The cost to enter is $3.00 per car, and the fee is due upon registration. Registration forms will be available at Pop's Sweetshop and Vision's Video. Entries will also be accepted by mailing to "Pinewood Derby Registration" c/o C. Jenkins, PO Box 185, Rutland, 61358. (Information to include on your 3x5 index card is: printed name, address, and phone number.)

Don't delay! This event is open to the first 200 applicants, with June 1st as the deadline for registration.