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Fieldcrest Board Special Meeting Agenda Nov. 14

Saturday, November 11, 2023 Posted by Sherry Tjaden

FieldcrestCommunity Unit School District #6

Board ofEducation Special Meeting Agenda

Tuesday November 14, 2023

Closed Session: 5:00 PM

Open Session: To follow.

LOCATION:Fieldcrest High School

  1. Call to Order - Roll Call
    1. Public statement: The Fieldcrest Community Unit School District Board of Education is a deliberative and policymaking body and follows a planned agenda at each meeting. The Board does not debate the subject of public comments during the meeting nor take immediate action on such comments, but rather may take any comments under review in making decisions and establishing policies.

  2. Closed Session (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1))
    1. Motion to enter Closed Session Student Discipline Hearing
    2. Motion to close Closed Session

  3. Regular Session
    1. Welcome
    2. Vision Statement - Tomorrow's Leaders Learning Today
    3. Pledge of Allegiance

  4. Public Communications to the Board
    1. Persons addressing the Board should be guided and constrained by Board Policy 2:230. Copies are available online: https://www.boardpolicyonline.com/?b=fieldcrest_6

  5. Items for Approval
    1. Expulsion of Student #2023-6527
  1. Board Member Comments

  2. Closed Session (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)) if applicable

  3. Adjournment

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Fieldcrest Board Special Meeting Agenda Nov. 14