Park restrooms must be maintained

      Editor: Dave Uphoff
I really would like to write a warm and cozy editorial each week that will remind you of fresh baked cookies and make you glow with happiness. Unfortunately, we live in a real world replete with problems and conflicts that have to be resolved. If I wrote about the weather every week and about other people's success stories, it would be about exciting as reading the dictionary. People prefer to read about bad things and bad happenings. We hate to read about other people's successes because it rekindles our feelings of inadequacies.

One thing that draws interest is to create a sense of outrage. And I can tell you that I am outraged this week over the abuse of the new Westside Park pavilion and its lack of maintenance. Last week I was notified of the women's rest room being trashed. I don't know on what day the restroom was trashed but I know it remained that way even after city officials were notified.

I decided Saturday to clean up the pavilion restrooms and was sickened at what I saw. The north stall of the women's restroom was littered with toilet paper, pop bottles, tampons, and feces. I can only assume that the damage was done by a female since I don't know of many males who use tampons. Although in this day and age you never know.

Since the restrooms were closed during the winter, it was evident that people relieved themselves on the floor of the pavilion over the winter. Caked urine lined the walls and the floor in the corner of the foyer leading to the restrooms. I spent the next two hours sweeping and scrubbing the bathrooms down with bleach water. In addition, there was no toilet paper or paper towels in their respective holders in the restrooms and one of the toilet drains had to be snaked.

My first sense of outrage is wondering what kind of animals do we have living in this community? Are parents aware of having offspring who commit such foul acts? My suspicion is that if the parents of these idiots did know they probably wouldn't care either. The only way to prevent these outrageous acts of vandalism is through peer pressure. Any child who has knowledge of these acts should report them to the police or school officials. Maybe I am being prejudiced by assuming that children trashed the restrooms. I should probably cover myself by stating these acts of vandalism were done by persons having the brains of a moron, regardless of their age.

My second sense of outrage is why the maintenance of the restrooms is being neglected by the city? I was told that a person was assigned to inspect the restrooms and to clean them on a regular basis. There was obviously no maintenace performed at the Westside Park pavilion. I understand that the restrooms at the New Millennia Park are also being trashed.

Some of those who helped build the pavilion are outraged also. As one of the workers told me, "I busted my butt for 2 years to help build this pavilion. I did my part and saved the city a lot of money by volunteering my services. The least I can expect is for the city to do their part and keep the pavilion maintained."

One of the reasons the old bandstand was torn down is because it was not maintained properly. We should learn from this mistake and not let it happen with the new pavilion.

I am sure that those who contributed money to the construction of the Westside Park pavilion will also be outraged to learn that the pavilion is being trashed and not maintained properly. People are not going to contribute if they feel that the object of their donation is not going to be maintained properly.

If the city has not specifically delegated the responsibility of maintaining the restrooms at both parks, it should do so now and make sure that the maintenance is carried out. If the responsibility has been delegated and the work has not been carried out, those responsible should be reprimanded.

Vandalism is not unique to Minonk. Other communities are reporting similar problems. I know the police cannot be everywhere to prevent such acts. What the police can do is to make themselves more visible and to talk to those who appear to be hanging around. I have noticed some unsavory looking characters hanging around downtown Minonk recently. I also noticed people drinking beer on the downtown sidewalks. The police need to start walking the beat downtown and make their presence be known.

People who have knowledge of vandalism should report it to the authorities. Parents should be aware of what their children are doing and punish them if they are found to be guilty of wrong doing. We cannot let a few idiots destroy the good in this community for everyone else.

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May 16, 2005