Minonk-Dana-Rutland High School

40th Class Reunion Pictures

The MDR class of 60 held their 40th class reunion at the Weaver Ridge Golf Club in Peoria on Saturday, August 19, 2000. Shown below are some pictures of the attendees.

Pictured above are Gloria (O'Brien) McGough and Leroy Harms

Click here for class trip picture in Washington, DC.

Pictured below are classmates that attended the Adams Country Grade School in 1948-1949. From the left; Daryle Uphoff, Beverly (Kettwich) Ruestman, Connie (VonBehren) Dickson, and Dennis Quiram.

Show above from the left is Ed Malinowski and Gary Davis.
At the bottom is Gloria (Kroeschen) Harms and Gerry (Gibbons) Ryan.

Above is Mr. and Mrs. Roger May.
Below is Arlen Ruestman and Bob Hock.

Click here for class trip picture in Washington, DC.